Alliance launches new Community Checkup website with advanced interactivity


New site breaks new ground in the ways it allows visitors to use data to promote transparency and value-based purchasing

 SEATTLE, February 22, 2017 –The Washington Health Alliance (the Alliance) today announced the launch of its new Community Checkup website, its signature site with detailed results on the quality of care  and patient experience within Washington state. The new site features major advances in interactivity with the data, further increasing its usefulness to purchasers, providers and consumers.

“The new Community Checkup website is a major step forward in translating data into action,” said Nancy A. Giunto, executive director of the Alliance. “By allowing users to interact with the data in groundbreaking new ways, we hope to advance transparency in Washington state and provide stakeholders with the data they need to move from information to action and thus accelerate the movement toward a health system based on value.”

The Alliance has integrated Tableau technology into the new site, giving users a much greater degree of interactivity and significantly expanding business intelligence capabilities for users.  The site, which is best viewed on a desktop or laptop computer, draws upon the Alliance’s robust database of health claims data for four million Washingtonians dating back ten years to display objective results about the quality of care in the state.

Among the site’s new features:

  • Data visualizations in both table and graph formats
  • Ability to compare results among geographies (county, Accountable Communities of Health) and facilities (medical groups, clinics and hospitals)
  • Highlights of key issues illustrated by interactive data
  • Single dashboard views of measure results across different entities, such as geographies and facilities
  • Multi-year data results (2015 and 2016)
  • A step-by-step tool to help consumers choose a medical group or hospital that meets their particular needs

In addition, for the first time, the Alliance is making available full results for medical groups and clinics of four or more providers for the entire state. The site also features detailed results for the Washington State Common Measure Set for Health Care Quality and Cost.

The Alliance designed the site to help multiple stakeholders. Purchasers can use information from the site to help with their benefit strategies. Providers can use the site to compare their performance against those of their peers and identify areas for improvement. Consumers can use the site to understand variation in quality and choose a medical group or hospital that will serve their needs.

Media Contact:
John Gallagher
Washington Health Alliance

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