Join Us
Working Together to Create System Change
By itself, no single employer, physician group, hospital, community group, health plan or individual can create the impact needed to improve the quality and affordability of health care in Washington and decrease wasteful overuse and misuse of health care resources. Transforming health care takes the participation of everyone.
Ready to join?

Over 4.5 million lives in Washington represented; $19 billion members’ annual health care spend

Over 150 diverse member organizations from across Washington working in collaboration

Reporting on 67 established measures of health care cost and quality across Washington since 2008

Why the Alliance?
The Washington Health Alliance is a place where you can work jointly to transform the health care system for the better. We bring together organizations that share our commitment to drive change in our health care system. Working together, we can create the system change we would never be able to achieve individually. Our reports offer unbiased information and important insights that shape the way care is delivered, used and paid for in our state.
We are here to build a strong alliance among health care purchasers, health plans and health care providers to promote health and improve quality and affordability by reducing overuse, underuse and misuse of health care services.

Our Vision
The Washington Health Alliance will be recognized as the preeminent, independent trusted organization providing actionable insights which improve clinical care, impact market dynamics and results in affordable, equitable access with an improved healthcare experience for all Washingtonians
Top 3 Reasons to Join
Support Transparency and help improve the health care system
By joining the Alliance, you are helping efforts to make health care more affordable and transparent. You will become a partner in identifying and addressing the problems to improve health care for Washington residents and leading the country to a less wasteful and higher quality health care system.
Neutral third-party data about your organization
Your membership gives you important analysis from the Alliance, a respected national voice on waste and low-value care. For member organizations that also choose to be data suppliers, the Alliance provides special reports tailored to your insured population with granular detail that enables you to make informed choices to improve the health care quality your members receive. You also receive the Alliance’s regular newsletters, highlighting the great work happening in the country, the region, and by other members.
Participate in evolving best practices and innovations and get your questions answered
Join the discussion of how to improve the health care system in Washington and across the country with peers, regional innovators, and national thought leaders. Together with other stakeholders, you will be on the cutting edge of innovation and accessible best practices, enabling you to make critical decisions that will improve quality and reduce health care costs in your own organization.
Attending All-Alliance member-only meetings provide networking opportunities that rival the best conferences. Click here for a list of our Board members and here for Alliance member organizations. And membership provides opportunities to attend the Alliance’s regular committee meetings, such as the Quality Improvement Committee, Health Economics Committee, Consumer Education Committee, and the Alliance Board of Directors meetings (click here for a description of the committees and here for a meeting schedule).
“With the Alliance, we have a seat at the table with fellow purchasers, health plans, and providers, and that has proven to be of immense value, as well as being an added resource to manage our health care costs more effectively.”
Carol Wilmes
Director, Member Pooling Programs
Association of Washington Cities

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