Washington Health Alliance receives funding from organizations focused on improving health care in the United States. Read on for details about our projects and partnerships.

Arnold Ventures Continues to Support the Driving Value Project
Made possible by $350,000 in initial funding support from Arnold Ventures, the Driving Value Project leveraged select measures from the Washington Health Alliance’s reporting on high-value care in the Community Checkup and low-value care in First, Do No Harm to work with purchaser members to improve the value of care received by their 550,000 plan participants.

Working collaboratively to determine one area to focus on, the self-insured purchasers (employers and union trusts), identified the treatment of low-back pain, specifically to reduce inappropriate opioid prescribing and avoid unnecessary invasive services, such as surgeries, imaging and injections, and increase evidence-based options. The Alliance produced a white paper documenting our learnings.

With $850,000 in additional support from Arnold Ventures, the project is expanding to include purchasers, plans, providers, and other health care stakeholders to work together to make measurable improvement in the treatment of low-back pain across Washington state, including providing organization-specific interventions and technical assistance to support transforming care delivery practices.

Established in 2010 with a mission to improve lives through evidence-based solutions, Arnold Ventures supports this effort as part of its Provider Payment Incentives portfolio that prioritizes changing the way our health care system pays for care in order to improve patient outcomes and experiences, while reducing waste and excessive costs.

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