The Alliance offers focused, data-driven reports on the quality and cost of health care in Washington state. We share our findings through consumer-friendly websites and provide customized reports as a benefit of membership. We also work to create an equitable, inclusive, high-quality, and affordable health care system for the people of Washington state.
Our latest reports:
Community Checkup – The Community Checkup provides a comprehensive analysis of health care quality in Washington state. In 2023, the Alliance expanded the report to include equity data, offering a first-ever look at how socioeconomic advantage can impact the quality of care.
Total Cost of Care – Total Cost of Care, building of our work with Community Checkup, provides an in-depth look at the cost of providing care to Washingtonians. Similar to the Community Checkup, the Alliance now includes equity data in the analysis to offer insight into how socioeconomic advantage can impact how much it costs to care for our residents.
Unnecessary Care Costs Millions – Our report, Unnecessary Care Costs Millions, applies the Milliman MedInsight Health Waste Calculator™ to the commercial population in our voluntary All-Payer Claim Database to understand waste in Washington.
Interested in some of the Alliance’s previous work? Please visit our ‘Past Reports’ page.
Download the Washington Health Alliance’s Hospital Fair Pricing Report:

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