Health Care: Spend More, Get Better?

Categories: Alliance News, Featured

Health Care: Spend More, Get Better?

The Washington Health Alliance hosted a forum this month in Seattle to dive into what is driving the cost of care in Washington state and how we can work together to ensure equitable, high-quality care is affordable and accessible.

Focusing first on hospital pricing levels, a key equation to finding the right price for hospital services, Drew Oliveira, MD, MHA, presented a recent report from the Alliance that compared pricing levels to Medicare across Washington state.



A panel of health care leaders and experts dug into the findings of the report, sharing key insights into how we can address costs.

The conversation then shifted to cell and gene therapy, an effective yet costly form of treatment. Experts from Johnson & Johnson and OutcomeRx offered updates on the latest developments, along with successes and challenges with these therapies.

The forum also addressed the critical role of primary care in improving population health outcomes. Discussions, including a keynote from Dr. Jeremy Chrisman of the Vancouver Clinic, explored how shifting healthcare spending towards preventative and primary care can lead to better overall health for employees and lower long-term costs for employers.



The Alliance hosted the forum to drive necessary conversations to ensure that the care provided to Washingtonians is appropriate and affordable. By focusing on hospital pricing transparency, effective risk management, and a shift towards preventative care, the forum aimed to equip attendees with the knowledge and tools needed to manage health care costs and improve population health outcomes.

Watch the full forum: