Reducing underuse of effective care has been a long-standing goal of the Alliance. Many of the measures in the Community Checkup focus on underuse of care that evidence proves will improve health outcomes.

Increasing use of evidence-based care
Recommended screenings at the right time can detect problems early when they are more easily treated. Following standards of care for chronic conditions such as diabetes, asthma, depression and COPD help providers and patients manage the condition more effectively, reducing the risk of future complications and hospitalizations.

Health care is not equal for all
Underuse of effective care also extends to other areas as well. Disparities in care, based on race, ethnicity, language or socioeconomic status, mean that some Washingtonians are less likely to receive the care they need. Our patient experience survey revealed some patients report receiving lower levels of care from their provider, such as difficulty in getting a timely appointment or inadequate communication and that this correlates with worse health outcomes.
Over the next several years, the Alliance is focusing on several areas to address underuse of effective care. Much of this focus is in the primary care setting , which is the lynchpin in any health care system transformation.
The Alliance is focused on three areas of activity to reduce underuse of effective care in Washington.
Improve management of chronic disease for adults in the primary care setting and address disparities in care as they are identified.
Improve the rate of prevention screening for cervical, colorectal and breast cancer.
Improve patient experience.

Reducing the Price of Healthcare

Reducing Overuse

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