Category: Uncategorized

Alliance Welcomes New Member Abbott Diabetes Care

As a global leader in diabetes care, Abbott is constantly working to deliver the highest quality products and unwavering support to their customers. Consistent and accurate glucose monitoring is the foundation of any diabetes management plan so they’ve committed to continuous improvement in the way patients and professionals measure, track and analyze glucose levels. Learn ...
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Colon cancer screening gaps exist in Washington. What can we do to change that?

For colorectal cancer, preventative screenings should be easy, affordable, and accessible but on average in Washington state, roughly 4 out of 10 commercially-insured individuals are not receiving these tests. That gap worsens for those covered by Medicaid, Alliance data shows.   In recognition of colorectal cancer awareness month, the Washington Health Alliance wants to draw ...
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Recap: Alliance hosts ‘Examining Equity’ webinar discussing 2023 Community Checkup

Earlier this month, the Alliance hosted a webinar to highlight the latest insights from its 17th Community Checkup report with emphasis on a new tool that shows how someone’s advantage or disadvantage can directly impact the quality of care they receive across Washington state. This new report, released on March 7, included the most expansive ...
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The Alliance Welcomes New Member: Homethrive, Inc.

Homethrive’s two founders both experienced the challenges of caregiving for family members while working. They found a confusing, hard to navigate system. Even after taking countless days off work and spending long hours on the phone, they couldn’t find the answers they needed. They knew there had to be a better way, so they created ...
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The Alliance Welcomes New Member: Health Care Originals

The Mission of Health Care Originals is to help people listen to their bodies in new ways, tapping the previously underutilized science of sound to map and understand human performance. Their goal is to improve the continuum of care for respiratory disease – from drug development through individual monitoring, empowering patients to live better with ...
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Alliance expands focus on healthcare equity in 2023

The health of all Washingtonians has been a driving force behind the Washington Health Alliance since we expanded beyond the Puget Sound in 2013.  Now, we plan to increase our efforts on driving equity in health care across our state. There cannot be quality in health care without first addressing equity.   We’ve long known ...
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At State of Reform conference, Alliance executive director challenges status quo

When asked for bold steps in 2023 during State of Reform’s Washington Health Policy conference, Alliance Executive Director Dr. Drew Oliveira said it comes down to pushing outside the status quo.   “We are in Seattle where everyone tries to play nice – play nice in the sandbox, be friendly.  everyone needs to be a little ...
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The Alliance Welcomes New Members: Behavioral Health Systems, Goodpath, Guardant Health, Nox Health and ViiV Healthcare

Behavioral Health Systems, Inc. provides a personalized approach to behavioral health. BHS provides comprehensive behavioral health services to employers and their covered members, recognizing that when an employee is experiencing stress on the job, struggling with substance abuse or simply looking for advice balancing life’s difficult duties, they need somewhere to turn. Learn more about ...
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Keeping up the momentum from 2022, the Alliance plans to drive value, change in 2023

As we round out 2022, the Washington Health Alliance remains grateful for member and community support that has empowered us to develop new, innovative reports, bring organizations and individuals together on crucial healthcare issues, and drive change toward better health for all Washingtonians.   While the Alliance staff has accomplished much in the past year, projects ...
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The Alliance Goes to Washington

Last week, we attended the National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions annual conference in Washington, DC.  The National Alliance brings together 45 coalitions from around the country to address topics of concern for everyone.  Most of these coalitions are purchaser-based ranging from non-profits, like WHA, to cooperatives and for-profit organizations.  This year was no different ...
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How a federal court ruling could impact preventative services coverage

Equitable access to high-value, appropriate care is core to the mission of the Washington Health Alliance and its 185 multi-stakeholder member organizations. However, a September ruling from a federal judge in Texas on a lawsuit attacking the Affordable Care Act may erode the progress our health care system has made toward that goal. We are ...
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Alliance releases Action Brief addressing LGBTQ+ behavioral health care barriers

In recognition of the upcoming Transgender Awareness Week, and building off of its Pride Month documentary viewing and panel discussion, the Alliance has released an Action Brief that focuses on addressing barriers to behavioral health care for the LGBTQ+ community. Across Washington, LGBTQ+ population is estimated at 5.2% and represents about 6% of the workforce ...
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