Health Care Facts and a Preview of the Alliance’s Newest Report

You know health care is top of mind when the Wall Street Journal publishes a multiple choice questionnaire about health care costs. My staff and I recently took the WSJ quiz and we did pretty well (thanks to our last All-Alliance event, we all knew how much debt medical students have), but we were surprised ...
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Nancy Giunto Heading to the Land of 10,000 Lakes

On October 15th and 16th, Executive Director Nancy Giunto will be in Minnesota for the 3rd Annual Affordability Summit sponsored by the Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement. One of the goals of the summit is to understand national and regional actions that are advancing affordability by improving health, reducing cost, and eliminating waste.  On that ...
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Primary Care Spending Results Deserve a Closer Look and Employers Are Making a Difference

It is fitting that our All-Alliance Meeting later this month focuses on primary care. We have long believed that primary care prevents more serious health issues down the line and is the best place to focus our resources, but with some recent findings, we have some support to back it up. The Patient-Centered Primary Care ...
Read More Joins the Alliance

This month, we’re excited to welcome as the newest member of the Alliance. About Founded by award-winning AI experts in 2018, Magick AI is pioneering augmented cognition to solve human problems. applies the latest AI tools, techniques, and insights to extend and enhance human capability. Learn more about here.  
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The Alliance Takes on the Wall Street Journal

You may have seen the recent Wall Street Journal article, “Posting Health Prices Online Isn’t Cure-All.” In it, the reporter takes a close look at New Hampshire’s twelve years of experience of posting prices online and concludes that there have been few benefits: prices have not significantly decreased, overall spending has been reduced only marginally, ...
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The True Value of Exercise

It’s officially summer and I am appreciating the opportunity to spend more time in the garden with these long warm days, but it got me thinking about some recent studies on exercise. Did you know that according to a recent study by the CDC, less than 25% of adults in the US get enough physical ...
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IBM Watson and Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc Join the Alliance

This month, we’re excited to welcome IBM Watson Health and Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. as the newest member of the Alliance.   About IBM Watson Health Using advanced technology IBM Watson Health enables professionals to share health data and deliver insight to further care through hospitals, providers, insurers, researchers and patients. We have set an ambitious ...
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Making our Mission and Vision a Reality

At the Alliance’s Board of Directors retreat last week, we talked a lot about how we define and measure the impact of the Alliance’s work. We know very well that you can’t improve what you don’t measure and we are not immune from the magnifying glass we use to evaluate the health care system. The ...
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Executive Director Nancy Giunto comments on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee’s draft legislation.

WHA Senate Letter N. Giunto FINAL
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Washington Moves Closer to A Single All-Payer Claims Database

I am delighted to report that the legislation to move us closer to a single statewide All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) has successfully moved through both houses of the Washington legislature. It passed the House 91 to 5 on April 16th and passed the Senate 44 to 1 on April 26th. It is currently awaiting Governor ...
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The Alliance’s Amazing March Achievements

Happily, spring is here and we can finally put our snow shovels away! Last month was a big one for the Alliance. At our All-Alliance meeting, we welcomed more than a hundred people (thank you for your support!), heard from Chris Koller, President of the Milbank Memorial Fund, and released our newest reports on inpatient ...
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ArevoHealth Joins the Alliance

This month, we’re excited to welcome ArevoHealth, Inc. as the newest member of the Alliance. About arevohealth The arevohealth platform is designed for self-insured employers and their employees to help optimize healthcare benefits while driving significant savings for both. Arevo’s solution bridges the frustrating gaps between insurers, hospitals, medical providers, and patients; solving the significant ...
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The Alliance routinely shares information from our insightful analyses, reports and convenings, along with important news that impacts the Washington health care system.